© 2022 Daisy Ziyan Zhang


Design, Dream and Poetry; at MIT, 2022

A bifold story of a level, and a slit; 
about object, architecture and earth.

« Level »
I was born 
a thousand years ago 
I lived 
After the death of a plum 

Two arms
and a tiny foot 
Water, alcohol, spirit
Bubble becomes me  

Standing on my own feet 
I want to get closer to you 
and measure the angle of your curves

Chasing after 
You, gravity, always and again
I shall now depart
Away from your ties

Floating, rotating, balancing
Not knowing what is ahead
yet always remember 
where this bubble had been 

« Rupture »

What happens when the ground slits 
A rupture 
Wound of the earth 

Slowly descending 
into the unknown 
Hold on and keep 
Soon you will 
open your eyes 

Seeds fall and grow 
Concrete stains 
Animals lodge and wander 
Seasons dance  

the salt of time
Wrinkles of our mother

The silhouette of sky 
leads your way ahead
You shall only see what’s hidden 
once you bow and take 
the step